›by Catarina d'Oliveira –
10 Commandments of Surfing Etiquette
Surfing is really an unique sport. Unlike many others, it is not limited by rulebooks and one of its biggest charms is the puré excitement of individual freedom.
However, it is important to note that much of the soul of surf - even though it is an individual sport - is the notion of sharing of the waves and a common passion. Thus, surfers all over the world have came up with a series of rules of etiquette or essential commandments over the years so that this can truly be a safe and memorable experience for all waveriders.
# 1 Commandment – You shall not ditch your board
Whenever the break is approaching, do not let go of the board and and dive as if you were alone and had nothing to do with it - especially if the beach is packed and there’s a risk that someone might get hit by your board and get seriously hurt.
# 2 Commandment - You shall wait for your turn
If someone is waiting for a wave longer than you, he / she has the first option. The surfer who first picks up the wave or is closer to the peak or surf has the priority. The exception is if there is an organized lineup - a kind of queue where each surfer has its own turn, regardless of the wave that arises.
# 3 Commandment – You shall not drop in
One wave; one surfer. If a surfer is already catching the wave, do not go and stubbornly get on the same wavelength as well - do not be greedy (there are waves for all!). If you do it by accident, try to get out of the way and apologize. The only exception occurs when the peak of the wave forms with two opposite and surfable parts and two surfers can share it, provided they follow opposite directions.
# 4 Commandment – You shall not snake
If someone is already paddling for a wave, it's their turn - do not try to overtake him / her just because you're faster or want that wave for you. "Snaking" is not even allowed in tournaments or free surfing.
# 5 Commandment – You shall communicate with others
If, by chance or distraction, you're paddling for a wave with another surfer, try to, at least, share the wave - for this to happen it is essential that you communicate with your partners. Shout something like "go to the left, I'm going to the right", or if you see that you won’t make it to the wave, "it’s yours".
# 6 Commandment – You shall paddle thoughtfully
After you catch a wave, remember that you can not come back completely oblivious to what others are doing. Unless you wanna be brutally hit, do not paddle into the lineup but always around the break zone. On the contrary, if you want to leave the sea, do not start paddling ahead of someone who is already back there catching a wave – get off only after he / she passes. In the other hand, if you’re the one on the board and you approach someone paddling, do whatever you can so to avoid the collision (even if, unfortunately, that means losing the wave). Worthless and unnecessary risks can lead to dangerous accidents.
# 7 Commandment – You shall teach the younge
If you are already an experienced surfer and you notice that there is a newcomer on the beach, give him/her some tips, explain some important rules of surfing or encourage him/her to enjoy even more the surfing culture and life. Do not forget that much of what moves "our" surfing soul is the Aloha spirit - to share the experience of this amazing culture.
# 8 Commandment – You shall know your limits
It is essential for you to know your best skills but also your biggest limitations - always takes a few minutes to observe the conditions of the sea and, according to your level of surfing at the time, evaluate carefully if the currents / waves / conditions are not too bad for you to manage. If you are a beginner, keep on the inside (near the beach) until you master the techniques that will allow you to explore the outside.
# 9 Commandment – You shall take good care of your beach
It's simple – do not trash or foul. Put your trash in the trash, and if you face a path with others’ litter, tkae that as your good deed for the day and bring it as well. Remember: the beach is your second home.
# 10 Commandment – You shall always respect your brother
If you want to be respected, you must respect others. Be polite and helpful with strangers who share the waves with you and you’ll see that life might have some surprises in store for you.